- Utopia, of course
- Which includes Dystopia
- and which includes all other bullet points
- and contains an inherent ambiguity:
- on the one hand, the impossibility of utopia and the folly/evil of utopian attempts
- on the other, the Nozick/Rand utopia
- and on the third hand, the imaginative reach for a New People (see Cherneyshevsky, Gibson's "Blue Ant" trilogy, even possibly Pynchon, and see the Inversion theme below)
- Conspiracy -- the concept, as distinct from the plot (see Art-narrative below)
- The inversion and its consequences
- Epistemological ontology -- this is the central idea (if Utopia stands for the encompassing idea, this is the core): that what is is determined by what's known, not the other way around (and "what's known" is determined by what works -- i.e., a relational as opposed to a representational epistemology)
- "Inversion" describes the switch from let's say a "realist" ontology to the epistemological ontology noted above -- that is, from reality being something out there that we can only painstakingly discover to reality being, literally, right before our eyes (and nose, and ears, and touch, etc.)
- Art
- and religion
- and Utopia
- and narrative
- Elementory
- Conspiracy as plot (see below)
- The plot, as distinct from the concept (see above)
- the notion of "revelation"
- as distinct from "epiphany" -- i.e., it's exogenous
- also as distinct from "solution" (of a mystery) -- this is a change in your understanding of the world
- A multipart series (say, 5) -- larger revelations at the climax of each?
- Space fiction
- 3000 AD (the 1000-year future)
- The Utopia Project itself
- architecture/urban design/planning
- The game
- of Utopia
- board/screen design
- layers
- fractal depth
- and the social network
- avatars
- Space colonization
- and utopia
- Getting off the planet
- the moon
- Mars
- Open space
- Commercializing space
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